TRCK OD100 V2 QC Essential
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There are very few amps that have even closely approached the legendary status of the DMBL Overdrive Special and the lines of clones available today are endless. TRCK's take on this legend is considered one of the best ever created and includes some fine tuning and tweaks that make it an exceptional take on this legendary tone. Even Robben Ford played these for a while despite having access to an original.
The ODS has been used to great extent by Fusion legends Robben Ford and Larry Carlton, but they have been used also in Country, Blues and Rock by the likes of Keith Urban, Steven Bruton, Eric Clapton, Joe Bonamassa, Lowell George, Carlos Santana and many more.
What makes this amp stand out among any other amp is that its overdrive channel's topography is different from others in that the additional gai nstage is located AFTER the clean channel. This is a big part of the magic associated with this amp.
The result is a kind of musical oxymoron. The Lead/Drive tones of it are compressed, but dynamic at the same time, there's lots of gain, but it is smooth, while still being very touch sensitive.
The clean channel, in particular on the TRCK version of it is phenomenal in its own right - big stout, but with the right amount of softness and compression.
It is a no compromise amp that will cover a lot of ground and offer you some of the best tones you've ever had at your fingertips.
The set includes 24 AMP + CAB captures ranging from clean to lead. Please refer to the table under the product pics for detailed info on each capture.
- 4 X 6L6
- 3 X 12AX7
- SS rectifier
- Fixed Bias
- 100W OutputReturn & Refund Policy
As this is a digital product and there is no way to retreive the product after the sale, we issue no refunds on the captures sets, packs or bundles. We do however do our best to convey a good representation of the captures.
Receiving the Captures
During checkout form our store please enter your Cortex Cloud user ID in the corresponding field and follow us on the Cortex Cloud. Our User ID is amalgamaudio. When we follow you back, we are in the "Friend" status and the acquired captures can be shared with you.
As this is a manual process, please understand that depending on your time zone and other factors, it could take up to 24 hours to receive the captures, although we do our best to deliver them as soon as possible.For more info and a detailed step-by-step instruction on receiving and loading your purchased captures, please refer to our info page.