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  • QC Pedal KIT II

    IMPORTANT! Please follow all my active accounts on Quad Cortex for the quickest and smoothest delivery of captures: amalgamaudio, amalgamaudio2 and amalgamaudio3.


    The ToneX ONE Pedal KIT II features 11 of the most coveted modern classics within the overdrive species. 


    The grand centerpiece of this collection is an original 1994 non horsie silver KLON that has achieved a legendary status and is besides the TS-808 probably the most copied pedal. 


    Equally legendary is the King of Tone, which is a mainstay on countless Pro player pedalboards, Nashville musicians and weekend warriors alike. 


    The Revival Drive and Chase Bliss Preamp MKII are two of the most technically advanced and versatile pedals around (with a price tag to match). 


    The Revival Drive is a true standout in that it truly sounds like an amp and it doesn't narrow the bandwidth and dynamic range as most other pedals do. 


    Same goes for the high voltage Kingsley pedals that sound more like an extenson or an additional channel to your amp than just a pedal in front of it. 


    The Nobels ODR-1, Timmy, Zen Drive, BOSS BD-2 and Blackstone will give you many very different flavors that clearly demonstrate that by no means "all overdrives sound the same".


    The set includes captures based on:


    KLON Centaur

    Analogman King of Tone

    Origin Effects Revival Drive

    Chase Bliss Preamp MKII

    Kingsley Page TS

    Kingsley Minstrel V3

    Hermida Audio Zen Drive

    Nobels ODR-1

    Blackstone Appliances MOSFET Overdrive

    Paul Cochrane Timmy

    BOSS Blues Driver BD-2


    The pedals were dialed in through a pedal platform capture of the TRCK CRS, which is our favorite amp with pedals to date. This DI capture along with the Cabinet IR is provided with the set. 


    See the full capture list in the spread sheet within the pedal description.





    You need to run 2 instances of ToneX - one for the pedal capture and one for the amp capture. When doing this, keep in mind that the level at which the pedal capture hits the amp capture is aparamount for the end result. 


    Our recommendation is to set the input gains for both instances at the default 0 position, dial in your interface for you guitar so that it is short before clipping. From there you should be in the ballpark (if your levels are not lowered by any other plugin or the DAW anywhere in the line before the second ToneX instance). 


    On dialing in the level of the overdrive capture for the amp capture. I recommend using the volume knob on the pedal capture to further fine tune the level at which the amp capture will see the pedal. If the volume is set too low, you will hear a boxy, thin and rather uninspiring tone.


    Increase the volume on the pedal capture to the point where you hear that the amp comes alive - it gets punchy, more aturated, full, touch sensitive and has a nice smooth drive typical for an overdrive dialed in well. From that point you have some wiggle room - increase the volume further and the sound will remain smooth, it will fatten up and get more saturated.


    Beyond a certain point, the amps distortion will audibly join in and the tone will become more bitey and distorted, while the saturation and fatness will keep increasing. This can sound great for some pedals, settings and styles.


    Overdo it and it will start to sound ugly. So you have to find the sweet spot within this wiggle room that suits you best.


    The included amp capture is by intention bass heavy. You can easily tame the bass just with the bass knob on the capturte - it works wonderfully. This is intentional because some of these pedals will DRASTICALLY cut bass and this might not always be desirable and will not sound best. Some pedals on the other hand have lots of bass, for those, you need to reduce the bass by dialing in the bass knob for your guitar/pickup/style. 


    Have fun experimenting!


      Ibanez Tube Screamer TS-808

      DOD Overdrive Preamp 250 Grey spec

      Marshall Bluesbreaker MKI

      Marshall Guv'nor

      ProCo RAT White Face

      Chandler Tube Driver

      Crowther Hot Cake (current production)

      MXR Distortion Script Logo

      Boss Overdrive OD-1

      Boss Super Overdrive SD-1

    • Return & Refund Policy

      As this is a digital product and there is no way to retreive the product after the sale, we issue no refunds on the captures sets, packs or bundles. We do however do our best to convey a good representation of the  captures.

    • Receiving the Captures

      During checkout form our store please enter your Cortex Cloud user ID in the corresponding field and follow us on the Cortex Cloud. Our User ID is amalgamaudio. When we follow you back, we are in the "Friend" status and the acquired captures can be shared with you.
      As this is a manual process, please understand that depending on your time zone and other factors, it could take up to 24 hours to receive the captures, although we do our best to deliver them as soon as possible. 

      For more info and a detailed step-by-step instruction on receiving and loading your purchased captures, please refer to our info page.

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