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MTCH PHNX ToneX Essential
  • MTCH PHNX ToneX Essential

    The MTCH PHNX is a very unique mix of AC30, AC50 and Plexi tone elements. Technically it is like a AC30 / AC50 hybrid, but with cathode bias on the EL34 output section, which together with the higher filtering typical for Matchless gives a tighter, stouter sound with loads of dynamics and detail, but nicely rounding out some of the edges that the vintage role models posess. It has a smaller sonic footprint than a 50W plexi amp, more rounded at the bottom and top end, has some nice compression and is a very well balanced amp. 


    Unlike some of the vintage plexi models, the bass control for this one is capable of cutting out any excess bass with ease and it can be dialed in nicely for quite gainy settings. 


    This amp has lots of the VX style DNA in it, but it can be also dialed in for warmer and fatter sounds akin to plexi style amps that are not typical for the VX style circuits. 


    It does beautiful clean and edge of breakup and a clear, but not strident or harsh crunch tone. Takes pedals with ease too. 


    The set includes 22 captures ranging from clean to lead. Please refer to the table under the product pics for detailed info on each capture.


      - 2 X EL34
      - 2 X EF86
      - 2 X 12AX7
      - GZ34 rectifier
      - Cathode Bias
      - 35W Output

    • Return & Refund Policy

      As this is a digital product and there is no way to retreive the product after the sale, we issue no refunds on the captures sets, packs or bundles. We do however do our best to convey a good representation of the  captures.

    • Tone Model Import

      After downloading the Tone Model set to your computer, the Tone Models can be imported from within ToneX:

      Select the Presets Tab, right-click on any preset in the list and select "import". Select the presets you want to import. 

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