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MRSH JT50 1967 ToneX Expansion DI
  • MRSH JT50 1967 ToneX Expansion DI

    Core DI sets contain the main tones (bright, balanced and warm EQ settings) for the particular amp. 
    Expansion DI set contains additional tones (thin, fat and scooped EQ settings).

    Core DI sets contain close mic'd IR cabs, Expansion DI sets contain "amp-in-a-room" IR cabs that need an external IR loader for the full 1-2 second length of the files. The "amp-in-a-room" IR's are meant to bixed in with the close mic'd cabs for extremely realistic room sounds.


    This is easily the single most iconic, musical, beautiful and rare amp in our stable. An original 1967 MRSH aluminium block end chassis JT45/JT50 transition model amp. It has the exact same circuit of the 1966 era JT45, but features transformers later used in the black flag JT50 amps along with the EL34 tubes these were meant to go with instead of the KT66 that came before in the JT45. 

    As such it truly combines the very best features of JT45 style balanced, round and full tone that can get really smooth and spongy with the massive punch that is attributed to the EL34 based amps, but without any hint of brashness, harshness or hardness that some of the later EL34 based amps tend to.

    Along with the JT50 style transformers and the EL34 tubes the amp loses some of the flubbiness that the JT45 style amps tend to - the bass stays together better, is way punchier and more defined, while it also has a bit more clean headroom and more usable crunch even with the volume maxed out. On top of it all it takes pedals even better than the JT45.

    Due to this rare combination of almost oxymoron-like qualities and the extreme rarity of its specific circuit (it even still features the JT45 filtering cap values, while most of the JT50 amps have increased filtering) this is the first amp that we gave a name - we refer to it as the Unicorn. 


    So, how does it sound - dial it up to 6-7 on the High Treble channel and it is instant AC/DC back in Black type crunch for days with a humbucker guitar. Right about that point it will take you together with your Strat to Hendrix land. Though Hendrix used 100W amps, this amp gets a very good approximation of those super punchy big and bold semi-clean tones that Hendrix is known for. Add a fuzz and its a lift-off. 


    It is hard to list users of this specific model, as it is almost impossible to identify it from others - it looks like a normal JT45 from the outside. The most legendary user of this era of amps however is Angus Young, most prominently on the Back in Black records, which really is a different sound from a typical JT45. You can get JMP bass spec sounds from it in the style of Duane Allman and punchy Hendrix style semi clean and overdriven tones. 


    We encourage you to test it with your favorite analog or digital fuzz, boost and overdrive pedals - it takes everything like a champ. 


    The capture set features 51 DI tone models of the amp and amp with a whopping 19 pedals.  3 ("amp-in-the-room") IR's of the original 1968 1960A cab in 3 different rooms are included in this set. The ToneX Complete II set features 6 gain ranges: clean, edge of breakup, crunch, dimed, drive, lead and 3 EQ settings per gain range: Thin, Fat and Scooped for the Clean, Edge of Breakup, Cunch and Dimed gain levels and all 6 EQ settings for additional drive and fuzz pedals included in the set. This set includes captures of these 19 pedals:


    BST (Vertex Booster)

    TDR (Chancler Tube Driver)

    RAT (ProCo White Face RAT)

    TIM (Timmy)

    POT (Analogman Prince of Tone)

    EP3 (Chase Tone Secret Preamp)

    OCT (MXR Octavio)

    ART (Kingsley Artisan)

    PAG (Kingsley Page)

    MIN (Kingsley Minstrel)

    TBS (Fulltone Ranger Treble Booster)

    PBS (PastFX Powerbooster 18v)

    SIFF (Silicon Fuzz Face clone)

    GEFF (Germanium Fuzz Face clone)

    BENF (Benson Germanium Fuzz)

    DST (MXR Distortion+)

    BSB (Vintage Marshall Bluesbreaker MKI)

    GVN (Marshall Guvernor)

    SHR (Marshall Shredmaster)


      - 2xEL34
      - 3x12AX7
      - 1x GZ34
      - Fixed bias
      - Negative feedback loop
      - 50W output

    • Return & Refund Policy

      As this is a digital product and there is no way to retreive the product after the sale, we issue no refunds on the captures sets, packs or bundles. We do however do our best to convey a good representation of the  captures.

    • Tone Model Import

      After downloading the Tone Model set to your computer, the Tone Models can be imported from within ToneX:

      Select the Presets Tab, right-click on any preset in the list and select "import". Select the presets you want to import. 

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