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MAGN TWST QC Essential
  • MAGN TWST QC Essential

    IMPORTANT! Please follow all my active accounts on Quad Cortex for the quickest and smoothest delivery of captures: amalgamaudio, amalgamaudio2 and amalgamaudio3.


    The TW Stereo is the flagship from the modern MAGN amp range, which is loosely based on the Deluxe Reverb, but it has a thicker, fuller sound.


    It still retains the ability to be dialed in for a fendery style of sparkle, but it can be also dialed in for fuller, more raunchy almost british tones.


    It sounds glorious not just for the clean stuff, but also in crunch and cranked gain levels making it one of the most versatile modern amps out there. A rather balanced tone, full midrange, lots of sparkele on tap, never brittle and a very nice compression and an authorative low-end for a 2X 6V6 power stage.


    A good alternative to a Deluxe Reverb, if you like a similar vibe, but want a fuller, more balanced core tone and some of the best crunch tones. It is also way more versatile and also features a mid control for even more tonal variation.


    Additionally it will handle any pedal you can throw at it with love and grace, imparting some of its punchy and balanced character with the right amount of compression. It is one of those amps where you can't get a bad tone out of it.


    In particular it excels at fuzz pedals, which is demonstrated in the demo song cover of Rival Sons' Tied up, which was recorded with the mono version of this amp.


    The set includes 28 full Captures ranging from clean to lead gain levels and featuring various EQ settings per gain level. Please refer to the full list of Tone Models in the product pictures. 


      - 4x6V6
      - 5X12AX7
      - 2X12AU7
      - 2X GZ34 rectifier
      - Fixed bias
      - 2X 22W output

    • Return & Refund Policy

      As this is a digital product and there is no way to retreive the product after the sale, we issue no refunds on the captures sets, packs or bundles. We do however do our best to convey a good representation of the  captures.

    • Receiving the Captures

      During checkout form our store please enter your Cortex Cloud user ID in the corresponding field and follow us on the Cortex Cloud. Our User ID is amalgamaudio. When we follow you back, we are in the "Friend" status and the acquired captures can be shared with you.
      As this is a manual process, please understand that depending on your time zone and other factors, it could take up to 24 hours to receive the captures, although we do our best to deliver them as soon as possible. 

      For more info and a detailed step-by-step instruction on receiving and loading your purchased captures, please refer to our info page.

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