GBSN G19 ToneX Essential DI
Extended playthrough demo here:
After having captured over 100 amps, the GBSN G19 (based on a vintage Tweed era Gibson GA-19 Falcon) is one of our tof 5 favorite amps of all time.
Do yourself a favor and get this one despite it not having a more famous amp companies badge, as i would pit this amp against any Tweed, Plexi or Copper panel amp and it would give anything within the vintage realm a run for its money.
It will do everything with grace - from cleans to crunch and flat out glorious fuzz. It is not fuzzy or ratty sounding (if you don't want it to be), but it has a certain vintage character to it. It has lots of musical compression situated PERFECTLY so that it sparkles when you strum lightly and gets a bit darker when digging in hard - not many amps do this and i can't think of anything else that does this as well.
This makes it a perfect amp for dynamic players who want fine detail while playing softly and do not want the sound to get too much treble splash when hitting hard.
One of the best balanced and most versatile vintage amps despite its simplicity. It is a bit reminescent of a MRSH and VX amp tone mixture and brings the best aspects of each to the table, while still retaining its own voice and gobs of character.
The capture set conists of 25 DI captures ranging from clean up to lead levels with a pedal in the capture chain. It comes with an IR of it's cab and stock speaker and an IR of the MTCH 2X12 G12M G12H, which lets its full potential shine. Check out the full list of captures in the product picture section.
- 15W Output
- 2 X 6V6GT
- 3X 6EU7
- 1X 7199
- 5Y3 rectifier
- Cathode BiasReturn & Refund Policy
As this is a digital product and there is no way to retreive the product after the sale, we issue no refunds on the captures sets, packs or bundles. We do however do our best to convey a good representation of the captures.
Tone Model Import
After downloading the Tone Model set to your computer, the Tone Models can be imported from within ToneX:
Select the Presets Tab, right-click on any preset in the list and select "import". Select the presets you want to import.